Að mínu mati eiga bogar heima í eldgömlum köstulum en ég veit fullvel að margir eru hrifnir af þeim. Ég verð þó að viðurkenna að ég er hrifin af þessum bogadregnu dyrum en sennilega er það hin mikla hæð hurðanna og dyraopa sem gerir þetta svona glæsilegt. Vegna boganna minnir gangurinn á milli rýma á göng sem mér finnst einstaklega skemmtilegt. Góða helgi.
In my opinion arches should only be seen in old castles but I do know that many people like them. But I have to admit that I like these arch shaped doors. It is most likely the extra height of the doors that makes them so fabulous. Because of the arches the hallway between the rooms reminds of a tunnel and I really like that. Enjoy your weekend.
Design by Italian architect Antonino Cardillo. Photo via SomewhereIwouldliketolive
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